When people lay hands on another person, their spirit is transferred. Consequently, the spirit of the leader will come upon those whom he touches. This is why we tell people, "Do not allow someone to lay hands on you unless you know the individual, because whatever is in them will go into you." Additionally, the laying on of hands denotes a covenant. There is even a difference between laying the left or right hand represents a greater blessing than does the left hand. As Jacob blessed Joseph's sons, he crossed his hands and placed his right hand on the younger son and his left hand on the older son. In this way, he reversed the birth order of the boys. As he blessed them in this fashion he was also adopting them as his own sons. Pastors need to adopt the members of their congregations in a similar way. otherwise, people may suddenly realize that they have never been adopted into the shepherd's spirit.
prophetess Joyce

Sunday, December 30, 2012
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Understanding The Spirit
The greater your understanding of Spirit as the Source, Substance, and Activity of your supply, the deeper the etching of the truth into your consciousness. We often become enslaved by money, and then it doesn't work for us. The principle of it begins to work against us, instead, because we give our power away to an idol. You're only going to get out of this economic downturn through consciousness. There is no other way. It doesn't matter who is in office or how much you like him or don't like him, trust him or don't trust him. The president has nothing to do with your financial situation. No one can take you out of this depression. you have to go through consciousness. {Father is GOD, Son is GOD, Spirit is GOD }=Key + But seek Ye First The Kingdom of GOD and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you (Matthew 6:33).
Prophetess Joyce
Prophetess Joyce
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Does the devil exist in Your Mine
Don't believe in the devil because Jesus stated the devil was a liar from the beginning. If it's a lie, why mention it? Why give it time? instead of talking about the devil, we talk about enemies of our minds. The devil is simply a thought that is contrary to the divine thought of God with is opposite. The devil is a enemy of our minds. The Bible tells us to give no place to the devil. The only place the devil has in your life is the place you give it with your attention. If you talk the devil up, you will experience the devil. You will experience a lie but it is a lie you are giving power.
Monday, December 10, 2012
The Prayer
The prayer is a way to get you to focus, to give the feeling an opportunity to catch up. Prayer is focused attention on a particular topic. Your attention is there, your mind is there, your thought your consciousness, and everything else is there. If you focus on it and then get a lock on it, the feelings will begin to catch up to what you're praying for. When you connect feelings and prayer, you're communing with God. You bring your consciousness with your feelings in becoming one with God.
Prophetess Joyce
Prophetess Joyce
Thursday, December 6, 2012
The Stunted Trees Live Long as Normal Trees
We all have the same chance at living a long life. Are you going to let yourself be dwarfed? Dwarfed trees only express a millionth of the life an oak should manifest. Aren't we tired of only demonstrating a millionth of what we are? We must stop being dwarfed in our faith. Life is all powerful. Life is always and everywhere seeking expression. Don't you feel the divinity in you seeking expression? Life is never satisfied, because it always desire that which God has planned for it. It's constantly seeking greater and fuller manifestation. God has put a seed of Himself into you, and He asks only that you make your desires strong enough to bring them to fulfillment.
God Bless Prophetess Joyce
God Bless Prophetess Joyce
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Be careful who you allow around your children. Children are like clean pieces of paper; everything that touches them leaves a mark. Children absorb information through feeling. The Bible says, "Train up a child." When you look at a train, you see tracks. Children have to kept on track. A wrong relationship will derail your child. You have to make sure people hold the same ideas that you hold for your children.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Hope Against Hope
We all have dreams that are given to us from God. God has put in you everything to make your dreams come true. "Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world" (1 John 4:4). You have to believe in the dream even when it is against hope. You have to believe in the dream when the winds are displaying the contrary. You have to believe in the dream when it is confusing to believe. There are some things that God has spoken prophetically that you have to believe when it is not easy to believe. Your only reality is that which is spoken. When you are weak in faith, you will consider and affirm that materiality is reality. When you are weak in faith, you will consider your circumstances and affirm those circumstances as facts and allow those facts to be your reality. Abraham did not consider his own body and become weak in faith. The Bible says here, "Who being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about a hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb" (Romans 4:19). After Abraham had heard the word of God spoken to him, he did not consider that he could be a failure. It was not even a thought in his imagination. He considered not his own body, nor did he consider Sarah's. Sometimes you have to look at the people around you and you have to stop considering them. Who are you siding with? Abraham did not consider. Weak faith is always siding with "otherness" (something or someone other than God). You have to make a decision not to side with weak people.
Prophetess Joyce
Prophetess Joyce
Monday, October 29, 2012
See With Your Mind
See with your eyes can blind you to this larger reality. There is much, much more to reality than can be perceived with our five physical senses. Your physical eyes are only windows. You don't see with your eyes, but with your mind. Your eyes are merely windows through which light passes and is interpreted by your brain. And since your mind resides in your brain, your mind is the arbiter of what is real and what is not. So then, is not reality the subject of what you perceive it to be, rather than anything subjective? If that is the case, then how you see something or someone determines what it truly is and how it can affect you. The people of Israel looked a Goliath and saw someone too big to hit. David saw him and said, "He's too big to miss! Same thing, two conclusions, because you see with your mind and your mind makes it reality. Israel could not fight Goliath, but David slew him.. His vision of Goliath not only motivated him to fight, but made it possible for his opponent to be beatable.
God Bless Prophetess Joyce
God Bless Prophetess Joyce
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Obey Your Mentor, With is Jesus and Don't Think about your Circumstances.
As Peter stepped out on faith, he began to walk on the water, However, notice how he only walked for as long as he had the faith. As long as he kept his eyes on JESUS his mentor, he was able to walk. However, as soon as he took his eyes off of the mentor, which is JESUS , he began to sink, That's why you must make sure that when you are obeying a command of the mentor, You don't let circumstances start to condition you. see, You could either be conditioned by the mentor or conditioned by the circumstance. If the mentor has conditioned you, your life will be beautiful and you won't have any battle scars. But when the circumstances condition you, You're going to have the mark that you've been in the school of hard knocks.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
It Can Be Power In One Right Idea
God is the means by which you travel to your destination, but you control the direction in which you goes. Your spirit came to earth in search of buried treasure within you. That treasure is an idea that transcends all others and fully captures your divine potential. One right idea can catapult you into your divine purpose with wealth and retirement. The spirit of man has those ideas within it.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Do You Resides Inward of The Outer World? part 2
Just as you must turn inward to resolve conflicts and change the nature of the effect that negative people or situations can have on you, you must also turn inward to find the strength to endure. This is not as demanding as it sounds. When you pass beyond strife with your peers and resolve such things in your consciousness, you will become aware of "the peace of God, Which passeth all understanding" (Phil, 4:7). This peace, along with your absolute knowledge that you are working through the kingdom and cannot be assailed, will bring you strength.
God Bless
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Do You Resides Inward Or The Outer World?
The man who resides in the outer world must always turn to visible means of support---family, friends, therapy. But like all material things, these are flawed, limited, and prone to failure. However, the man who lives inward knows that his means of support are invisible and infinite. He trusts the things of mind and spirit and knows that no one can attack those things, unless he gives them permission to do so . The moment you understand that life is spiritual and not material, you will achieve balance and gain immeasurable strength.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Life Is Intelligent
Life is all powerful. Life is always and everywhere seeking expression. Don't you feel the divinity in you seeking expression? Life is never satisfied, because it always desires that which God has planned for it. It's constantly seeking greater and fuller manifestation. God has put a seed of Himself into you, and He asks only that you make your desires strong enough to bring them to fulfillment. But you have to be fruitful in Him.
God Bless You Always
God Bless You Always
Thursday, September 6, 2012
The World Is A Mirror
The world is a mirror that you hold up to your face each day. It will reveal to you the environment you have created. How is this possible? Aren't external events and the people we encounter separate from us? No. That is a fallacy repeated by those that would break life down to its individual material parts. In actuality, the world is you, pressed out . The world reflects that which you express into it -fears, loves, ideas, creativity, faith, passion, hate, anger-whatever comes from you will shape what falls into your personal orbit. Nothing appears in your experience unless you have called it into being with your mind and emotions. The world is a reflection of what is on your mind, your thoughts and ideas. If you come into contact with someone who is nasty and mean , it's a reflection of what's inside of you, the nasty and mean side that you are expressing that day Anything you go through in your day is what you have imagined to happen In this way, we all bear ultimate responsibility for our Worlds, the people in them, and the events that transpire.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
The Journey Of The Seed
You must learn the journey of the seed, because understanding that process will help you produce a harvest of health, happiness, love, success, and prosperity. All of that is found in the journey of the seed. Once you recognize how easy it actually is to reach your destination, you'll celebrate just the idea of your future before it is close to becoming a reality because to you, the idea will be the same as reality. The seed uses all the power it has to bring forth fruit. When it finds it has not nutrients in its immediate sphere, it puts forth roots to draw the necessary elements from the soil around it. When your soul knows it needs something to achieve abundance, it will search it out just like the roots coming out of a seed.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Monday, August 27, 2012
A Seed
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Law of First Cause
The primary cause of any series of events can never be negative. Negation is the condition which arises from the absence of active causation. This means that a negative be it negative behavior or a lack of action can't result in a positive, or forward, action.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Thinking Correctly
When We start thinking correctly, another law goes into operation that cancels out wrong thoughts. We correct wrong thoughts by replacing them with good thoughts. Some call wrong thoughts "the devil," but they are better known as "otherness." Any thought that is other than God is an enemy. Thoughts affect every aspect of our life.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
It's How You Look At It
How you look at situations,determine your growth and happiness. When you look at things in a positive way madness and anger will not enter in you. For example: If someone say to you i will finish the work at your house tomorrow at 9:0pm and they do not show, don't rush to anger just hope that everything is well with them. When someone is being mean to you at the store, know that person is not happy and needs God help pray for them it will only help us to remain happy.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Do Not Give To Receive
You cannot give in order to receive; if you do that, you may as well keep your seed. You give to give. and let the giving be enough. Only then will you see returns. Humanity is responsible for directing the evolution of money from the sacred to the profane. You as an individual must change the way you think and feel about money before you can hope to bring change to others. The only one who can bring you more money is you, and the only one who can stop you from having money is you . The less money you have, the less of a blessing you will have the power to be to others. .......Thank You, Lord, for my life. Thank You, Lord for your goodness in my life. Thank You, Lord. I will yet give You praise, Lord. Thank You. Amen and Amen
Don't give to recieve
You cannot give in order to receive; if you do that, you may as well keep you seed.You give to give, and let the giving be enough. Only then will you see returns. Humanity is responsible for directing the evolution of money from the sacred to the profane. You as an individual must change the way you think and feel about money before you can hope to bring change to others. The only one who can bring you more money is you, and the only one who can stop you from having money is you. the less money you have, the less of a blessing you will have the power to be to others.
Monday, August 6, 2012
I love my mom
My spiritual mother of nine children who blessed me to be faithful to almighty God has past
away March 23, 1930-August 6, 2012
Friday, August 3, 2012
Laughter makes you feel good....
there's nothing like a good, clean joke to lighten your spirits-and brighten your day. In fact, I've found that nothing changes our outlook more quickly than a dose of laughter! The Bible tells us that "a merry heart does good, like medicine..."(Proverbs 17:22, ) We should be happy and joy-filled people
there's nothing like a good, clean joke to lighten your spirits-and brighten your day. In fact, I've found that nothing changes our outlook more quickly than a dose of laughter! The Bible tells us that "a merry heart does good, like medicine..."(Proverbs 17:22, ) We should be happy and joy-filled people
Monday, July 30, 2012
A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things (Ecclesiastes 10:19). With is the same preacher who tells us in Ecclesiastes5:10,.....He that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver; nor he that loveth abundance with increase: this is also vanity.....When looking at the two passages above, it's clear money is a far more complex thing than a simple means of exchange or a method of purchasing goods and services. Everything has its place in divine order. God is money, and God is love; therefore, money is love. In the earthly realm, money is a symbol, a metaphor for the divine, the creator. Like the Creator, it has the power to create and do. So how did money get so perverted? A possible explanation is that it gets out of sync when it is not loved in divine order. In other words if money isn't appreciated for both its power and its limitations, it will be misused, mistreated, and misunderstood, and we will find ourselves handling it in a way that was never intended. Because money is God is love, it should be used only for that which pleases God. Money itself doesn't pervert; we pervert money.l
Sunday, July 29, 2012
The Law of Obstacles
Failure and struggle are God's way of waking us up to the need for Enlightenment and giving us a path to evolve to our Divine potential.One thing is for sure obstacles should not be cursed or avoided but welcomed as opportunities to grow and become more enlightened. None of us, even the most spiritually advanced, is immune to the blandishments neither of complacency, nor to the despair and anger that can wash over us when we attempt something that falls short and fails. However, a realignment of our perceptions is in order. Obstacle and struggle awaken us to our wrong thinking and allow us to discover our true selves by stripping away the falsehood and comfortable mediocrity.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
The Purpose of Failure
Each obstacle in life has a purpose: to shock those deep in complacency and self-delusion back to reality. God's hope for all of us is that we will each discover our true power and destiny to order reality with the
Divine Mind. However, that does not come for those who think that manifestation means nothing more than ignoring the way things are and telling themselves all is well when it is not. Obstacles and failures come into our orbit to remind us who we can be and mark the path for all we must do to evolve and grow into God's proxies.
Divine Mind. However, that does not come for those who think that manifestation means nothing more than ignoring the way things are and telling themselves all is well when it is not. Obstacles and failures come into our orbit to remind us who we can be and mark the path for all we must do to evolve and grow into God's proxies.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Exits and Entrances
When you become weary of certain relationships ending in your life. You have to understand that life is about hello's and goodbye's exits and entrances. whenever there is an exit in your life, it is because a better entrance is trying to get into your life. Many people get stuck at the exit sign and never see the entrance. they are so busy focusing on what is leaving their lives that they forget to look at what is coming in their lives. . Fear will keep you focused on the exit sign, but the exit is what creates the new entrance. Your present struggle is preparing you for a future achievement. Everyone has to pass through a season of uncertainty.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Hurt can only come because you had the wrong appraisal price on something or someone. When you appraise something of someone with the wrong value, you give your power over to it. You have to be careful what you give your power to. You can have the wrong appraisal value on your children. Your children may not travel the path that you know God has ordained for their lives, and as a result you may become disappointed. But you cannot give your power to that situation. You have to allow them to be who they want to be until they grow into the truth of who they really are.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Take Your Best Self Into The Future
So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the West, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him. Isaiah 59:19...Take your best self into the further for consciousness is everything. It's no secret that many scientists who research the complex problem of consciousness now believes that it is a fundamental building block of reality, perhaps even predating things like electrons and even light itself. Consciousness is elemental and irreducible. As such, when you hold a truth in your consciousness, you will experience that truth. You will bring that truth to you as a magnet attracts iron. You are your thoughts.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Guard Your Heart
"Keep thy heart with all vigilance; for out of it are the issues of life." (Proverbs 4:23)...You have to guard your emotions because your emotions create motion. Why do you think tears are always connected with emotions? Tears only flow from an emotion. That is why you have to be mindful about where you channel your emotions. Sometimes people make decisions from their hearts instead of their heads. The key to keeping your heart is to keep your imagination. Imagination is your creation machine in life. All of the issues of your life flow out of your imagination. Your imagination is always focused on the very thing that you meditate upon day and night. The subconscious mind is always in a mode of creating. If you do not like the issues that are flowing out of your life, then you must work with the imagination and create a new sense of destiny and watch the power of God increase within your life and in your experience.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Worry is your only enemy
Worry causes fear and fear is the absence of faith. If you do not have faith, how can you see full manifestation of your dreams? Fear neutralizes faith. As a matter of fact, worry is the only thing that is keeping your wish from being fulfilled If you can eliminate the worry, you can see the wish fulfilled. Oftentimes, we allow people in our circle to generate fear in our lives and neutralize our faith. They say, "Where is it? Where is it? Where is it? Where is it? This only helps to create worry. you have to get concerned people out of your life if you want to experience breakthrough, because concerned people will make you concerned and then you will find yourself focusing on the facts instead of looking at the truth of you.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
God is a spirit
God is a spirit.and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth."(John 4:24) .... The problem is, people are on the planet having a human experience and they are confused because they think that their humanity is their reality. However, we exist as spirit simultaneously. Can I let you in on a little secret? We had a life before we jumped into these bodies, and we are going to have a life after we leave these bodies. But the world has a problem receiving your truth of invisibility, because the world does not understand what it cannot see.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Realty reacts as your state of mind in the same way that another person reacts to your touch .Touch another with love or hope and they will respond in kind ; reach out in anger and you're likely to get a fist in return .You direct the energies and bring to you the results that you desire .
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