Friday, November 22, 2013
Hello Friends and Family
Hello friends and family, Thank you so much for being a part of Joyce Help Ministries. This is the Day that the Lord had make, We shall rejoice and be Glad In it. Happy birthday to the Birthday's coming up and the ones I missed. I've been very , very, very, busy studying and getting things off the ground but time to time I take a peek at whats going on face book hoping that things remain peaceful so thank you . I also what to think my new friends and family for being a part of Joyce Help Ministries . I Will Be Back So We Can Get On Track , look at the coming post will be the end of SUCCESS IDEA , HAPPY HOLIDAYS, LOVE PEACE AND JOY
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
If there's controversy or doubt surrounding it or in any way attached to it, it is temporary. God doesn't deal in contrariness. Do not give your power to any mortal, or you will limit the channel of good that could come through you. You must think of money and other material desires or possessions as an outer symbol of the inner supply. The only thing about that outer symbol that is real is the substance underlying the outward manifestation. Money is the symbol of the idea in Divine Mind. The idea is an all-sufficiency of supply. The idea meets every need with the divine surplus in your individual life.
Prophets Joyce
Prophets Joyce
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
MONEY IS NOT; GOD IS; When people start believing in the effect instead of the cause, they come to view money as all there is. They set it on a pedestal and worship it. They think money is all there is. Money is not all there is God is all there is. You must look to God alone as the Source and remove the effect from your mind completely. If you look to any one thing, any human, any place, or any condition for your supply, you shut down the flow. Never look to a person. Never look to a place. Never look to a thing. When you look to something outside of you instead of looking within, you shut down the flow.
Prophetess Joyce
Prophetess Joyce
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Money Is A Spiritual Force
The cause is far greater than the effect. The effect has no life without the cause. We must return back to the spiritual foundations of true currency, because currency is what people worship. Until they turn back to the cause, which is God, currency will never fully benefit them. This very moment, stop believing money is your substance. Money is not your substance. Money is the effect. There is an unlimited supply on the inside. When it shows up on the outside, it is a manifestation of thoughts and feelings originating in your inner world. It's a true awakening when we finally understand that money is and effect, and God is the cause. Most people have problems with money when they get hung up on the effect and forget or ignore the cause. It's like a crowd watching a magician do his tricks. They get caught up in the effect, the illusion, and they miss everything that's making it happen. They're distracted by the "magic." A lot of us get caught up in the illusion. We get caught up in the effect, the trick, and we forget where the true anointing, the true magic, comes from. There are people who believe money is their substance. They believe it is their security and their safety blanket. That's why they worry when they don't have it, or they worry that they might lose it. If that's you, you must this very moment stop believing money is your substance. Debt cannot exist in your life unless you have a belief in debt.
Prophetess: Joyce
Prophetess: Joyce
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
You can't play ball unless one person has a hand open to catch, and another is there to pitch. There has to be a catcher's mitt and a pitching hand. If there's a catcher but not pitcher, or a pitcher but no catcher, there is no game. Life is about learning to give. You can't go through life with just a catcher's mitt and expect to be successful. Some people think the catcher's mitt is all there is, and they only try to see how much they can catch. You have to see what you can pitch to someone else who's wearing the mitt, because when you pitch it, it will be thrown back to you and it will be your turn to catch. The catcher has no purpose until the pitcher pitches the ball. It's the pitch that starts the game. It's the pitch that starts the cycle. It's the pitch that starts your prosperity. If you don't pitch, there will be no catch. If there's no catch, there's no return pitch. Many people walking through life with just a catcher's mitt don't have a ball because nothing's been pitched. Whatever it is you want, you have to give some of that away. Some of you need to give a seed today, because you've been walking through life with just a catcher's mitt, and you don't have a game going yet because you haven't thrown the first pitch (the seed). When you look at the game of life, all balls played look like seeds. They are shaped like a seed. A ball is circular. Why? Because it is ordained to have a return. You can't bounce a square or a triangle. { SOW YOUR SEED OR DONATION TODAY TO: JOYCE HELP MINISTRIES BY CALLING 443-467-7781} THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU WITH A GREAT AND PROSPEROUS FUTURE.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Money Is An Effect
Your seed is a breakthrough. It's not trying to break through something the Enemy has against you; it's a breakthrough in your consciousness. Once you come into realization, things will begin to materialize. When you concentrate on the effect, you forget the cause. When you forget the cause, the effect diminishes. Never chase the money. Never make money your goal. If God becomes your Source, you'll never forget the Source. When you forget the cause, the money disappears. Why do people see their money evaporate? Because they forget where it comes from. They forget the Maker of Money. When you focus your attention on getting money, you shut off your supply. Holding money will also shut down the supply.
Prophetess Joyce
Prophetess Joyce
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