Saturday, October 6, 2012

Obey Your Mentor, With is Jesus and Don't Think about your Circumstances.

As Peter stepped out on faith, he began to walk on the water, However, notice how he only walked for as long as he had the faith. As long as he kept his eyes on JESUS his mentor, he was able to walk. However, as soon as he took his eyes off of the mentor, which is JESUS , he began to sink, That's why you must make sure that when you are obeying a command of the mentor, You don't let circumstances start to condition you. see, You could either be conditioned by the mentor or conditioned by the circumstance. If the mentor has conditioned you, your life will be beautiful and you won't have any battle scars. But when the circumstances condition you, You're going to have the mark that you've been in the school of hard knocks.

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