Monday, October 29, 2012

See With Your Mind

See with your eyes can blind you to this larger reality. There is much, much more to reality than can be perceived with our five physical senses. Your physical eyes are only windows. You don't see with your eyes, but with your mind. Your eyes are merely windows through which light passes and is interpreted by your brain. And since your mind resides in your brain, your mind is the arbiter of what is real and what is not. So then, is not reality the subject of what you perceive it to be, rather than anything subjective? If that is the case, then how you see something or someone determines what it truly is and how it can affect you. The people of Israel looked a Goliath and saw someone too big to hit.  David saw him and said, "He's too big to miss! Same thing, two conclusions, because you see with your mind and your mind makes it reality. Israel could not fight Goliath, but David slew him.. His vision of Goliath not only motivated him to fight, but made it possible for his opponent to be beatable.

                                                         God Bless Prophetess Joyce

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